Fall Conferences, Part 2: Psychonomics

Fall Conferences, Part 2: Psychonomics

An presented our two statistical learning posters from this fall (here and here) at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomics Society this weekend in New Orleans. The QLAB was represented alongside 1,221 other posters and 300 papers at the conference. We were...

Fall Conferences, Part 1: BUCLD

The QLAB had a wonderful time at the 43rd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Dr. Qi, An and Violet were all present. We presented a poster on statistical learning in reading impairment and reading development, as well as a poster on...

Undergraduate Research Symposium

Krystal Mendez, a new QLAB research assistant, attended the University of Delaware’s Undergraduate Research Symposium on Thursday. Krystal joined the QLAB this summer through the Delaware INBRE Summer Scholars program. You can see her presentation on native...

Out-of-State Visitors

A huge thank you to our first out-of-state family for joining us in the lab! These brothers visited Delaware for two days, playing games in our brain camera and heading home with pictures of their brains. The family says: “[The boys] were so excited to...

Summer Is Here!

It’s summertime, and the QLAB is enjoying the sunshine at the Co-op Farmer’s Market! What better way to learn about your brain than with an armful of fresh produce or a sweet snack? Grab a bite, support local farms, and try your hand at our language game!...