Anqi’s Graduate Student Travel Grant

Anqi’s Graduate Student Travel Grant

Congratulations to Anqi Hu, who received a College of Arts and Sciences Competitive Graduate Student Travel Grant! This summer, she will join Chunming Lu, an expert in neural synchronization and communication, at State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and...
Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Lab members, left to right: (Back row) Nicolo Bautista, Anqi Hu, Diana Rios, Abigail DeJohn, Dr. Julie Schneider (Front row) Dr. Zhenghan Qi, Hannah Stetson, Dionysia Saratsli, Violet Kozloff Happy holidays from the QLAB! We are so grateful to the many children and...

Out-of-State Visitors

A huge thank you to our first out-of-state family for joining us in the lab! These brothers visited Delaware for two days, playing games in our brain camera and heading home with pictures of their brains. The family says: “[The boys] were so excited to...
Brain Videos

Brain Videos

Look familiar? This is Violet’s brain!  Our MRI study is up and running. Want to see your own brain video? Join us at the QLAB to receive a free recording of your...
Our first grant was awarded!

Our first grant was awarded!

We are very happy to announce that Dr. Qi’s proposal titled “Investigating statistical learning in children with ASD across linguistic and non-linguistic domains” was selected for funding under the 2017 University of Delaware Research Foundation...